
We offer transcripts in 3 different formats:

  1. Unofficial Transcript
    • A preview at no cost of what your official Transcript will look like
  2. Official eTranscript
  3. Printed Official Transcript
    • A printed version of your official Transcript
    • Available within 3 business days to pick up, mail or courier.

The fee for official transcripts is $13.00 per transcript (courier fees are additional).

Transcript Ordering: Terms & Conditions & Return/Refund Policy

Confirming the content of the transcripts before ordering is student and alumnus responsibility, as is destination and method of transcript delivery.  Once the order is placed, it cannot be cancelled, and no refund is available. TWU is not responsible for delayed or lost mail. 

If you can no longer remember your username or password, or have any questions please submit a request to our Service Hub or call 604-513-2030.