Teaching Awards

Every year, Trinity Western University recognizes two individuals for significant contributions to teaching and learning at the University. 

Successful recipients, with the support of their departments and Deans, are encouraged to share their expertise and contribute to systemic change in teaching and learning.  The endowed Awards provide a memento and small honorarium.  The Office of Teaching and Learning also provides each recipient with additional Professional Development funding to support ongoing scholarly teaching.

The Davis Distinguished Teaching Award

Named after Dr. Ken Davis, Prior Vice President Academic

The Davis Distinguished Teaching Award is intended to recognize annually an faculty member who has demonstrated a high level of excellence in the craft of teaching and has made a significant contribution to the pedagogical life of the University.


  • All tenure and tenure track faculty who teach undergraduate classes and have been teaching at the university for a minimum of three years.
  • All sessional and part-time undergraduate faculty who have taught at the university for at least five years.
  • Past recipients are eligible for 1 additional future award (but not within five years of receipt).  See previous winners here.

Criteria for the Davis Distinguished Teaching Award:

  • Reputation for superior teaching including the ability to stimulate engagement and enduring, transformational growth, and use of exemplary assessment practices that establish high standards and support student learning.
  • Evidence of successful teaching and learning strategies, sensitivity to students’ varying learning needs, creation of a positive and inclusive learning environment, and effective communication skills.
  • Demonstrated Christian influence and/or the ability to effectively integrate and nurture a faith informed perspective related to the discipline or way of knowing.
  • Evidence of educational leadership through sharing of their expertise and inspiring others to improve teaching and student learning. 

To add your commendations for this year's nominees, complete the form here.

The Provost Innovative Teaching Award

The award for innovation in teaching is intended to recognize and encourage scholarly experimentation and innovation and is meant to acknowledge a faculty member who is researching and adapting new methods to improve student learning.


  • All tenure and tenure track faculty who have been teaching at the university for a minimum of three years.
  • All sessional and part-time faculty who have taught at the university for at least five years.
  • Past recipients are eligible for additional awards (but not within three years of receipt). See previous winners here.

Criteria for the Provost Innovative Teaching Award:

  • Researches and introduces new and creative ways to engage students in the classroom not common to the discipline, or, if common, used reflectively and robustly to their full potential.
  • Creates teaching materials such as games, simulations, case studies, textbooks etc., that engage students innovatively and are (or can be) shared with other faculty within and outside of the institution.
  • Engages students in learning activities that encourage enduring and transformative learning, resulting in students contributing to disciplinary knowledge or creating a product for public sharing or developing a response to a pressing societal need.
  • Develops (or collaborates in the development of) innovative curriculum, course design, or redesign that offers an alternative and enriching approach to disciplinary learning or way of knowing. 

To add your commendations for this year's nominees, complete the form here.