Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)

Visit the new TWU Undergraduate Student Research Awards Information page.

Four types of USRAs are available: 

  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) USRA
  • Trinity Western University (TWU) USRA
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) USRA
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) USRA

Each USRA has different eligibility criteria. Click on the respective USRA for more information.


  • CIHR USRAs worth $10,420 for a 14 to 16-week research term
  • SSHRC USRAs worth $10,420 for a 14 to 16-week research term
  • NSERC USRAs worth $10,420 for a 14 to 16-week research term
  • TWU USRAs worth $10,420 for a 16-week depending on term

Learn more about these opportunities at an information session hosted by Lola IYIOLA, TWU’s USRA Scholarship Liaison Officer.

2nd Floor, Reimer Student Centre
22500 University Drive  |  Langley, BC  V2Y 1Y1
(604) 513 2167  |  orgs@twu.ca