University Policies

The Trinity Western Community

Trinity Western is much more than an institution with classrooms, books, and exams. We are a passionate, Christ-centred academic community. Our faculty and staff are committed to preparing you for a career and equipping you to find and fulfil your purpose. We provide many opportunities to develop your gifts and skills both inside and outside of the classroom as you prepare to go out and positively impact the world.

Accepting the invitation

We welcome all students who qualify for admission and choose to enrol, recognizing that not all affirm the theological views that are vital to the University’s Christian identity. It is expected, however, that when you accept the invitation to study at TWU you will strive to achieve respectful and purposeful unity that aims for the advancement of all. Because we are a learning community with a unique, exciting mission, it is important to consider what it means to become part of our community.

It is important to note that you join our community by invitation. You are invited to be part of a university with an exciting history and to share—with fellow students, professors, and staff—our mission to positively impact society. We count it a privilege to have you join us. 

Joining any community comes with certain expectations, responsibilities, and subsequent accountability. Accepting an invitation to join our community means you agree to foster a positive educational environment that reflects the values cherished by our community. You are called to maintain this positive environment by being accountable for your actions as they directly affect the other members of our community. We encourage you to take initiative to constructively contribute to campus life and have a positive influence on others.

Academic Freedom

With our charter, mission, and identity as a Christian university, Trinity Western University is committed to academic freedom, affirming and supporting it as defined and described in the statements of Universities Canada and the Tri-Council Agencies (click here to view the policy).  In cases where a graduate student believes an infringement of academic freedom may exist, they should direct concerns to the Vice Provost Research & Graduate Studies, accompanied by an advocate of their choice. In cases involving undergraduate students, they may either approach the TWUSA Vice President of Student Relations, or the Director of Community Life who in turn will meet with the Provost to ascertain how to proceed with the matter.

Advertising, Soliciting, & Recruiting

Outside agencies, groups, or business representatives are not permitted to sell, solicit, advertise, or recruit on TWU property or in campus housing unless invited by the University. Please report any solicitors to Security at ext. 2099. Any requests for off-campus solicitation, advertising, and marketing to students on campus must be first vetted through the Student Life Office.

Posters & Notices

Posters and notices must be stamped and dated by Student Life or TWUSA before they are displayed. They should be posted on bulletin boards and may not be placed on glass doors or windows anywhere on campus. Municipal fire regulations prohibit posters and notices in housing lounges, with the exception of bulletin boards managed by the RA in each dorm. Posters or notices without stamps or that are deemed offensive, excessive, or objectionable will be removed.

Class Cancellation Policy

Campus Notification

In the event of deteriorating weather conditions or other emergency situations, every effort will be made to communicate information regarding the cancellation of classes to the following radio stations: CBC (88.1AM), THE BEAT (94.5 FM), CKNW (980 AM), CKWX (1130 AM), STAR FM (107.1 FM), PRAISE (106.5 FM) and KARI (550 AM).  As well, an announcement will be placed on the University’s campus closure notification message box (604.513.2147) and on the front page of the University’s website

An initial announcement regarding the status of the campus and cancellation of classes is made at 6:00 AM and covers all classes beginning before 1:00 PM.  A second announcement is made at 11:00 AM that covers all classes which begin between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM.  A third announcement is made at 3:00 PM and covers those classes which begin after 5:00 PM.

Communicable Disease Policy

In accordance with BC Ministry of Health, BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), and Fraser Health Authority (FHA), the University has adopted the following policies with respect to all communicable diseases and sexually transmitted diseases:

  1. The University will endeavour to make available up-to-date educational materials and Public Health Unit bulletins to students, staff, and faculty concerning any communicable infection and disease.

  2. The University is not responsible for spread or infection on campus caused by reportable or non-reportable infections and diseases (as defined by BCCDC). Nevertheless, staff and faculty in University departments where an accident involving blood has a higher possibility of occurrence (e.g., Health Services, Community Life and Physical Education/Athletics) will receive specific training and will support the maintenance of special guidelines designed to help protect students, staff, and faculty from possible infection. Universal precautions as prescribed by BCCDC will be followed in the treatment and care of any ill or injured students, staff, or faculty member.

  3. The University will communicate to the FHA and/or BCCDC all reportable communicable infections and diseases per the following provisions:

  4. While the health status information of all student, staff, or faculty members is held in the strictest confidence, the University is required by law under the BC Health Act to report communicable infections and diseases;

  5. The University, in conjunction with the FHA, will give students, staff, and faculty appropriate information, as needed, on reportable communicable infections or diseases;

  6. The University will meet all legal requirements of the FHA and BCCDC for quarantine or isolation of any student, staff, or faculty infected with a contagious disease;

  7. In the event of an outbreak of a communicable disease, the University will adhere to protocols established by the FHA and/or BCCDC.

  8. No student who contracts a contagious infection or disease while enrolled will be asked to leave campus or withdraw because of his/her illness UNLESS he/she poses a danger to campus community members as determined by the FHA and/or BCCDC.

  9. In the event that testing for infection is required either by the Public Health Office or some other government body including Health Canada, it will be carried out only following consultation with a physician by the individual to be tested. If testing is required according to the Public Health Office or Health Canada, the need for such testing will be communicated confidentially to the individual by the University.

  10. The University recognizes that those infected with a communicable disease may benefit from specific medical and counselling care. The University encourages anyone affected by these conditions to access services through their health care provider or the health services and mental health staff in the Wellness Centre on campus.


Students from officially recognized clubs or organizations or in student leadership roles may plan events by submitting the required documentation. Approval is required for all TWU student events, whether on or off-campus. Event approval forms should be submitted at least three days prior to the event, and approval must be received before advertising for the event.

An event is considered a TWU student event when one or more of the following apply:

  • A TWU representative (employee, affiliate employee, TWUSA or TWUGSA member, or student leader) plans the event or activity to which TWU students are invited, ostensibly in fulfillment of their TWU leadership responsibilities
  • The event is promoted as a TWU student event or as a TWU group, club, or team event
  • TWU funds or student fees are being used to carry out the event

Fire & Safety

Jeopardizing the safety of our community is a serious offence and will be dealt with through the Student Accountability Process. It is a criminal offence to pull a fire alarm as a prank. Disassembling, mishandling, covering, or tampering with smoke detectors, heat sensors, exit signs, fire extinguishers, hoses, valves, alarms, or sprinkler heads for any reason other than an emergency is prohibited.

When a fire alarm goes off, exit the building immediately. Do not re-enter the building until the fire department or an appropriate designate grants permission.

On-campus fires are not permitted due to municipal fire regulations and for the safety of our community.

See Student Code of Conduct, Section 4.c.iv.

Identification Cards

ID cards are issued for use for athletic events, meal plan purchases, library checkout, security verification, and campus housing access. Replacement cards are available in the Student Life office. (A fee will apply.) Security staff maintains the right to ask for student ID cards at their discretion. Students are expected to comply, at all times, with the requests of TWU’s Safety and Security personnel.

Lost & Found

The main campus Lost and Found is located at the Student Life Office in Reimer Student Centre. Lost-and-found services are also available at the library and in the gym for items found in those locations only.

Living on Campus Requirement

Trinity Western University is committed to providing on-campus housing that assists students in personal growth. The University believes that living on campus significantly contributes to the development of the total person and his/her persistence in post-secondary studies. To enhance the accomplishment of its mission “to develop godly Christian leaders,” the University requires that all full-time (12 or more semester hours) students live on campus for their first two years or until third-year standing of at least 57 semester hours is achieved. Automatic exceptions to this policy will apply to anyone who is married, living with parent(s)/legal guardian(s), at least 21 years of age, or enrolled in part-time studies (11 semester hours or less).

Appeals for circumstances not mentioned in the previous exceptions may be submitted in writing to the Student Life Office in RSC no later than July 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester. Until an appeal is granted by the University Housing Appeals Committee, the Living on Campus Requirement remains in effect.

Students found living outside the University’s Living on Campus Requirement will be seen as not fulfilling the requirements of enrolment and may be required to deregister from the University.

Sexualized Violence Policy

Sexualized Violence Information & Response

Sexualized violence (as defined in section 18 of the policy) is unacceptable and prohibited conduct at TWU, and abhorrent to the values of the TWU community. Sexualized violence is recognized as a significant and systemic issue for society, and higher education in particular, and TWU’s Sexualized Violence Policy sets out the University’s framework and strategy to address sexualized violence.

TWU is committed to addressing sexualized violence by:

  1. Implementing and actively promoting trauma-informed education, awareness, prevention, and training programs, in various formats appropriate for diverse audiences;

  2. Receiving disclosures and reports of sexualized violence;

  3. Working to remove barriers to disclosures and reports of sexualized violence;

  4. Communicating the support services and resources available to all members of the University community who may be directly or indirectly impacted by sexualized violence;

  5. Supporting survivors and those impacted by sexualized violence, through academic and nonacademic supports as appropriate; and

  6. Coordinating consistent, fair, and transparent responses to sexualized violence disclosures and reports.

Protection of Privacy & Information

Privacy Policy

The University gathers and maintains information used for the purposes of admission, registration, student assessment, grade records, and other activities related to being a member of the TWU community. The information provided by applicants and students will be used in compliance with the British Columbia Privacy Act. The University Registrar serves as the privacy officer for student-related matters. The TWU Privacy Policy can be found using the link provided above.