Equipped to Be the light.
Meet our inspiring alumni—applying their education and using their gifts for the good of the world and the glory of God.


Equipped for Life
At Trinity Western University, our education is centred around three tenets:
Christ Centred
All that we do is centred on the person and work of Christ. We take seriously the call to pursue and understand all that is true, noble, right, lovely, excellent, and praiseworthy. -
Student Focused
We are passionately committed to equipping students to grow, learn, and make a positive and lasting contribution to a knowledge-focused, complex, global, and diverse community. -
Globally Engaged
We participate in God's renewal of the world through innovative programs, partnerships, and opportunities to contribute to the flourishing of both local and global communities.

Everything we do is rooted in our commitment to providing a whole-person education—one that develops people of character who find and fulfill their purpose in life, using their careers to create lasting and positive change in the world around them. In addition to robust academic programs, we strive to provide the kind of nurturing campus community, life-changing service and research opportunities, unforgettable friendships, and meaningful faith explorations that will shape students in ways they could never have imagined.