students walking in front of Riemer Student Centre

TWU 2030: Every Graduate Equipped

University Strategic Plan

Our extraordinary commitment to student success reflects our belief that every student has the potential to become a master learner, and is called to live for the good of the world and the glory of God. 

In 2021, Trinity Western University launched an inspiring vision: “Every graduate is equipped to think truthfully, act justly, and live faithfully for the good of the world and the glory of God.” 

In pursuit of this vision, Trinity Western embarked on a University-wide strategic planning process, inviting constituents from across the University to participate in helping to reimagine TWU’s future as a global Christian university.

Strategic planning at Trinity Western University is an exercise in innovation—an iterative process to foster dynamic change and ongoing improvement. 

In 2023, following 14 months of diligent work by a diverse set of contributors—including input from undergraduate and graduate students, parents, donors, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the University—the Strategic Plan was presented to the Board of Governors and received unanimous approval. 

It is with great joy that we invite you to explore Trinity Western University's Strategic Plan—TWU 2030: Every Graduate Equipped. 

Strategic Priorities

Four guiding priorities, key objectives, and supporting goals position the University to achieve a lasting impact in the lives of our students.

students sitting on the Hanson Outdoor Chapel

Priority 1

Advance Christ-Centred Learning & Culture

Priority 2

Cultivate Master Learners
person working in lab

Priority 3

Accelerate Academic Innovation
people talking in kuhn centre

Priority 4

Demonstrate Operational Excellence

Provide exceptional learning opportunities for students to grow academically, spiritually, and socially in a community that embraces the integration of faith and learning as a catalyst for renewal in a fragmented world. 

Strategic Objectives

1.1 Equip students, faculty, staff, and graduates to participate more fully in God’s renewal of the world.

  • Develop faculty to advance the integration of faith, learning, and scholarship.
  • Launch a “Design my Work Life” program to foster calling and purpose in Christ.
  • Promote inclusion and belonging by establishing a shared commitment to diversity and equity in the truth of the Gospel: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ (2 Cor. 5:19–20).

1.2 Establish a “Centre for Excellence in Faith, Learning, and Life” to strengthen Christian formation (spiritual, intellectual, and moral development) for all students, faculty, and staff.

  • Expand the integration of faith and learning into all areas of the student experience.
  • Secure funding to build a physical Centre to further Christian formation, belonging, and discipleship.
  • Strengthen TWU’s reputation as Canada’s leader in Christian higher education through Christian scholarly conferences, the publication of Christian scholarship, and global rankings.

1.3 Encounter, celebrate, and partner with global Christians to advance the work of God’s kingdom in reconciliation and unity.

  • Encounter and learn from the history, theology, and experience of global Christians.
  • Build sustainable partnerships with global Christians to advance discipleship, intercultural awareness, and capacity for faithful witness.
  • Engage students with the promise of God’s renewal of the world.

Enable all students to develop cognitive and psychological agility, emotional intelligence, analytical and presentation skills, and to experience the satisfaction and joy of solving complex problems collaboratively. Because every student is capable of reaching their highest potential, Trinity Western University faculty and staff demonstrate exceptional commitment to student learning and success. 

Strategic Objectives

2.1 Advance a mindset and culture that equips all students, faculty and staff to solve problems collaboratively with confidence and hope.

  • Equip all students with the ability to successfully learn and contribute in a diverse and rapidly changing world.
  • Increase opportunities for work-integrated learning through co-ops, practica, internships, service and clinical placements, apprenticeships, and/or mentorship.
  • Secure funding and launch a dedicated faculty/student research lab focused on global renewal and sustainability.

2.2 Leverage the vitality of the Christian liberal arts for the good of the world and the glory of God.

  • Launch a “Faith and the Public Square: Conviction & Compassion” lecture series.
  • Establish an equipped graduate framework to develop character, creativity, moral vision, intellectual skills and ability to flourish in a diverse world.
  • Secure the financial resources for two new Endowed Chairs to further excellence in evangelical Christian scholarship, teaching, and commitment to “faith seeking understanding.”

2.3 Incorporate high-impact learning practices to engage complex global, economic, environmental, social, and religious challenges.

  • Direct classroom learning to active involvement with diverse communities and real-world challenges.
  • Equip students with key skills in communication, math, technology, team building, problem solving, conflict resolution and leadership.
  • Promote faculty-student research that advances a Christian vision of human flourishing (i.e., global sustainability, political and economic development, social and religious life).

Optimize the effective development of academic programs, curricula, systems, evaluation, learning platforms, modes of delivery, and academic support to deliver the best learning experience possible for every student, wherever they are.

Strategic Objectives

3.1 Demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to delivering learning opportunities at scale.

  • Leverage key insights from the fields of neuroscience, biology, cognitive psychology, and design thinking to advance student engagement and learning.
  • Support and develop faculty and staff in the delivery of effective and engaging scalable learning.
  • Expand campus system/platform integration to better deliver targeted academic and student support in real-time.

3.2 Expand market-relevant, fully online degree programs, certificates, and micro-credentialing at graduate and undergraduate levels.

  • Develop and launch University-wide flexible, high-quality, asynchronous programs that incorporate competency-based learning and performance-based assessment.
  • Launch TWU Online (accessible to undergraduate, graduate, and degree completion students) 
  • Ensure that all new programs deliver culturally aware curricula to meet the various needs of learners across the globe.

3.3 Launch an Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship (IDE) lab.

  • Develop and secure funding to launch and sustain the Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship lab.
  • Equip students, with the help of talented entrepreneurs-in-residence, to deliver experiences, products, and services that successfully achieve the “job to be done” for customers.
  • Design opportunities for students to accelerate innovative ideas, products, and services with positive economic, social, and environmental impact.

Practice excellence in stewardship, and secure new funding for scholarships and key strategic priorities. Advance the reputation and impact of Trinity Western University in the service of the good of the world and the glory of God. 

Strategic Objectives

4.1 Build and celebrate a culture of continuous improvement in the relentless pursuit of value.

  • Strengthen assessment, feedback, and accountability mechanisms throughout University departments to ensure the achievement of quarterly/annual goals and targets, as well as continuous improvement to efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Foster process improvement, automation, and data-driven decision-making in university planning and operations.
  • Evaluate and reconstruct academic operations, inclusive of all parts of the University, to achieve an excellent academic experience for all students.

4.2 Address equity and access for all students.

  • Hire and retain staff and faculty whose experiences, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and skills advance the ability to deliver an excellent global Christian liberal arts University education.
  • Provide excellent academic and student life support for TWU’s diverse, global student body.
  • Strengthen TWU’s recruitment and academic support initiatives for Indigenous students.

4.3 Grow enrolment, retention, and graduation rates to reach 10,000 annual students served by 2030.

  • Achieve a 7-year-graduation rate of 75% by 2030.
  • Optimize recruitment pathways from existing Trinity Western University initiatives.
  • Expand Trinity Western University’s global reach and impact through strategic partnerships and FAR Centres.

4.4 Accelerate resource development.

  • Launch an effective Advancement Office to strengthen the global TWU community of alumni, parents, and friends of the University.
  • Raise $20 million on an annual basis by 2030.
  • Engage new and existing partners in support of the transformative impact of a TWU education.