Graduate Forms & Procedures
3MT Participant Registration | Participant registration is due to from the registrant’s student email ( |
Advanced Standing Credit | Students who have external training or experience that may be relevant to their degree may request to have the training or experience considered with or without credit. |
Advisor & Student Agreement (ASA) | This agreement clarifies expectations between the thesis advisor and the student, and provides the student with information and resources necessary for success. Thethesis advisor must review the form with their student(s) at the commencement of advising. Both the supervisor and the student should retain a copy of the completed and signed form, and the supervisor/program will also provide a copy to the Office of Graduate Studies. |
Advisory Committee Approval - Master's Thesis (ACA-MT) | Graduate students submit the ACA-MT from their student email, together with a 150-word abstract, a minimum of 6 weeks before anticipated defence date. |
ARCA Student Submission Instructions | Students follow these step-by-step instructions when ready to upload their thesis into TWUSpace. See also Post-Defence Student Checklist and Thesis License. |
Award Appeal Request | Students wanting to appeal an award decision must submit this request form to the Office of Graduate Studies and include all documentation and rationale to support their appeal. |
Final Thesis Completion (FTC) | Students must submit this completed and signed form together with their final thesis from their TWU student email ( to the Graduate Studies Coordinator at, as part of the process for completing thesis requirements. Students may reference the Post-Defence Student Checklist for complete post-defence thesis completion requirements. |
Graduate Program Checklist | Graduate Program Checklists are intended to assist students in ensuring that all degree requirements are met. These checklists may also be used when requesting a leave of absence, to help outline the student's program completion plan by recording the intended semester of registration beside the course (e.g., SP24). |
Leave of Absence (LOA) | A leave of absence must be discussed between a student and the program director, who will complete this form together. The form and required attachments will then be submitted by the program. |
Nomination for Graduate Valedictorian | SGS programs may nominate graduate students for eligibility at the spring and fall graduation ceremonies. Nominations must be submitted in writing directly to Graduate Valedictorian Nomination (Spring) Graduate Valedictorian Nomination (Fall) |
Nominations for External Degree Committee Member (NEDCM) | Degree committees for master’s level theses must have one non-advisory - or external - reader. All external readers must be approved by the Office of Graduate Studies. Students must submit a completed nomination form from their TWU student email (, together with a 150-word research proposal or abstract, to the Office of Graduate Studies ( a minimum of three months prior to the proposed timeframe for defence. |
Post-Defence Checklist | Students use this checklist for completion of thesis requirements after their defence. |
Request to Delay Publication (Embargo) of a Thesis (RDP) | Students who want to request an embargo must submit this request to the Office of Graduate Studies for consideration. |
Request to Extend Time for Degree Completion (RTC) | Students who require time for degree completion in addition to that provided in the Program Completion Policy (excluding time spent on-leave) may request an extension by submitting a completed and executed copy of this form. |
Student Experience Questionnaire | Trinity Western University seeks to provide excellent student supervision. This questionnaire gives students the opportunity to report their experience anonymously at any point during their supervisory experience. |
Supervisory Committee Member Exception to Policy | Program directors must submit this form to the Office of Graduate Studies ( to request approval for any supervisory committee participant who is not a member of TWU’s Faculty of Graduate Studies. |
Supervisory Committee Record - Doctoral Dissertation (SCR-DD) | The intent of this form is to identify and approve the members of the candidate’s supervisory committee. |
Thesis Defence FAQs | Frequently asked questions when preparing for thesis defences. Send your questions about thesis defences to |
Thesis Evaluation Agreement (TEA) | Exam chairs ensure that a TEA is signed by the student and examination committee at the defence, as accompanied by the respective program’s evaluation criteria. The document is individual to each program and is therefore not linked to this webpage. The respective TEA is provided directly to the exam chair from the Graduate Studies Coordinator, prior to the defence. |
Thesis License | Students must fulfill the submission agreement when uploading their thesis into TWUSpace by right-clicking on TWU Non-Exclusive License and agreeing to the licensing requirements, prior to clicking Submit, or by selecting this link and completing the required information. |
Title Page Template | Students use this template for their thesis title page. |
Verification Letter for Enrolment or Graduation | Students can self serve this letter in the Student Portal. |
Western Dean’s Agreement | The purpose of the Western Deans’ Agreement is to enrich graduate programs throughout Western Canada by providing a means through which students are able register for courses at participating institutions. |
Western Deans’ Agreement Authorization and Course Registration | Students may complete this authorization form (typed; not handwritten) and submit to the Graduate Studies Coordinator for processing. See also WDA Student Procedures and WDA Transfer Credit. |
Western Deans’ Agreement Student Procedures | Students use this checklist to help them complete their WDA request. |
Western Deans’ Agreement Transfer Credit | Students must submit this form with their approved WDA Authorization and Course Registration to the Office of the Registrar. |