
TWU Alumni Spotlight: How Michael Sprenger finds hope while being 'far from home'

Michael Sprenger (‘87) is a “Missionary to Missionaries.” Having spent the last 21 years doing missions work in Asia, he has a lot of experience with the highs and lows that missionaries face. Stationed in Thailand, Michael supports missionary families across eight different countries. But because of COVID, he hasn’t been able to see his wife for nearly half the year, and was forced to miss his daughter’s wedding. In this episode, we discuss finding hope in the midst of discouragement, and what life is like as a missionary far from home. 

Listen to Michael Sprenger's interview on the TWU Alumni Podcast:
TWU Alumni Podcast

About Trinity Western University

Founded in 1962, Trinity Western University is Canada’s premier Christian liberal arts university dedicated to equipping students to establish meaningful connections between career, life, and the needs of the world. It is a fully accredited research institution offering liberal arts and sciences, as well as professional schools in business, nursing, education, human kinetics, graduate studies, and arts, media, and culture. It has five campuses and locations: Langley, Richmond-Lansdowne, Richmond-Minoru, Ottawa, and Bellingham, WA. TWU emphasizes academic excellence, research, and student engagement in a vital faith community committed to forming leaders to have a transformational impact on culture. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter @TrinityWestern, on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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