Craig D. Allert, PhD
Dr. Craig Allert lives in Abbotsford with his wife of over 30 years and their maltipoo named Josie. They have two adult children. Both he and his wife are music lovers who enjoy attending concerts together, walking and travelling. Recently, Craig has taken up golf which he finds both relaxing and frustrating. Having grown up playing and watching sports, he continues to support the Whitecaps, Lions, and (especially) the Canucks.
- PhD Historical Theology (St. John's College, University of Nottingham)
- Master of Theological Studies (Trinity Western Seminary, Trinity Western University)
- Bachelor of Science in Biblical Education (Multnomah Bible College)
Dr. Allert has a PhD in Historical Theology from the University of Nottingham. He specializes in early Christian theology as it developed after the first century. In particular, he focusses on the church fathers, the development of Christian doctrine, formation of New Testament canon, the theological interpretation of scripture, and evangelicalism. His published material and speaking engagements seek to bring the relevance of patristic thought to contemporary Christians for whom it may be mysterious and even suspicious. In particular, Dr. Allert is passionate about discovering and sharing ways in which the contemporary church and society may resource the Christian past in order to allow the present and future faithful to the Christian vision of faith and life.
- Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation. Inter-Varsity Academic, 2018.
- A High View of Scripture?: Biblical Authority and the Formation of the New Testament Canon. Evangelical Ressourcement Series. Baker Academic, 2007.
- Revelation, Truth, Canon and Interpretation: Studies in Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 64. Brill, 2002.
- “The ‘Closing’ of the NT Canon: Some Historical Context for Theological Conclusions.” In The New Testament Canon in Contemporary Research. Brill, Forthcoming.
- “What is a Literal Reading?: Lessons from Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine”
- “Is that all?: Reflecting on a Christian Reading of Genesis”
- “How We Got the New Testament.” Lexham Study Bible, Logos Bible Software, 2011.
- “Issues in Forming a Doctrine of Inspiration.” In Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Authority of Scripture: Historical, Biblical, and Theoretical Perspectives, 259-280. Pickwick, 2011.
- “Evangelical Identities: Streams of Confluence and Historical Theology in Evangelicalism,” Canadian Evangelical Review 37 (2010): 1-20.
- “The 2008 Fideles Symposium on Scripture and Inspiration: Response,” Fideles 3 (2008): 29-48.
- “Ressourcement and Chastened Rationality: Reflections on Gregory of Nyssa’s Apophaticism.” Canadian Evangelical Review 34/35 (Fall 2007/Spring 2008): 20-51.
- “What Are We Trying to Conserve?: Evangelicalism and Sola Scriptura,” The Evangelical Quarterly 76/4 (2004): 327-348.
- “The State of the New Testament Canon in the Second Century: Putting Tatian’s Diatessaron in Perspective,” Bulletin for Biblical Research, 9 (1999): 1-18.
- “Is a Translation Inspired? The Problems of Verbal Inspiration for Translation and a Proposed Solution.” In Translating the Bible. Problems and Prospects, edited by Stanley E. Porter and Richard S. Hess, 85-113. JSNTSup 173. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.
Interviews and Podcasts
- “The Church Fathers and Genesis 1.” Interview by Mike Heiser and Trey Stricklin. The Naked Bible Podcast. Dec. 15, 2018. Audio 55:58.
- “Where Did the New Testament Come From?” Interview by Jared Byass and Pete Enns. The Bible for Normal People. April 9, 2018. Audio 44:05.
Awards & Honours
- $50,000 from John Templeton Foundation/Biologos Evolution and the Christian Faith. Project title: Re-Orienting Modern Biblical Interpretation: Church Fathers on History, the Letter, and Creation (2013-2015)
- Word Guild Writing Award for A High View of Scripture? (2008)
Affiliations & Memberships
- American Academy of Religion
- Society of Biblical Literature
- HIST/RELS 361/263 History of Christianity I
- HIST/RELS 362/264 History of Christianity II
- IDIS 400 Developing a Christian Worldview
- RELS 260/160 Introduction to Theology
- RELS 381 (461) Contemporary Christianity
- RELS/HIST 465 Influential Christian Thinkers
- RELS 466 The Church Fathers: Their Significance and Relevance
- RELS 475 Christianity and Culture
- RELS 476 Theology and Worldview
- RELS 477 New Testament Canon: Development and Theology
- RCE 621 Development of Christian Doctrine
- RCE 677 New Testament Canon: Development and Theology.
- RELS 670 Pre-Nicene Christianity
- RELS 671 Development of Christian Doctrine
- RELS 690 Research Design
- Various Thesis Supervision