Janny Klein, M.Sc.

Sessional Instructor of Biology

I was born in the Netherlands in 1972, where I completed all of my high school and university education. I graduated with honours from the International University in Wageningen, The Netherlands, with a Master’s degree in Nutrition and the Physiology of the Human body. I completed two Thesis projects, one at the Medical University in Utrecht, and one at Mc Gill University in Montreal. After I graduated, I married Bert and moved to Canada, and a year later, in 1995 I started as a part time lab instructor in Anatomy & Physiology (Biol 241 & 242) at TWU. Which is the course I still teach today, now as the senior lab instructor. A number of years ago I also took on teaching the lab portion for Biol 343, Histology, which is a course that is offered every other year. I also really enjoy this Histology part of the Human body, as one gets an inside look of the body on a microscopic level in more detail than one does in Anatomy and Physiology.

M.Sc., International University of Wageningen (1994)


My expertise and passion are definitely in the field of Human Anatomy and Physiology. Even though I have not contributed to any research projects myself, throughout the years I have kept up with many research topics regarding the human body by way of online reading, and I try to apply this knowledge where applicable in class.

An additional passion in teaching about the body is the fact that as we are created in God’s image, I believe that He as our creator chooses to reveal Himself in the way that He made us. God as it were left His fingerprints on us. And it is beautiful to be able to apply what we learn in the body on a spiritual level and so learn more about God in the process as well. Who He is as our Creator, our Father, our Saviour, our Protector, our Lord of our life, and so much more!

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (BIOL 241 & 242)
  • Human Histology Lab (BIOL 343)
  • One semester of Vertebrate Physiology (BIOL 345)