Withdrawals & Refunds
If you are planning to drop or withdraw from a course you may be eligible for a tuition refund. The amount refunded depends on the date you withdraw from the course.
Some deposits are non-refundable.
- UG Admissions Deposit
- Housing Deposit Pre-payment
- International Student Admissions Deposit: In accordance with the TWU International Student Admission(s) Tuition Deposit Policy signed upon admission, any unused portion of the non-refundable $9990 deposit will be forfeited if you are withdrawing from the University.
For a breakdown of the tuition refund dates and amount please click here.
If applicable, a tuition credit will be applied to your student account to be used towards future tuition and student fees. You can also request for eligible funds to be refunded to you if the adjustment results in a credit balance on your account.
Please contact us through the Service Hub to confirm your refund eligibility.
To completely withdraw from TWU, please complete the Withdrawal Form.