TWU Contact Persons

A “Contact Person” is a designated TWU employee, trained and available to community members for the purpose of receiving disclosures or reports of sexualized violence and assisting those impacted by sexualized violence with arranging for appropriate academic and non-academic supports.  Contact Persons are available to assist TWU community members with navigating both the Sexualized Violence Policy and the Bullying and Harassment Policy, providing assistance if necessary with identifying the policy that best applies in a given situation.  Contact Persons may also be appointed as investigators under the provisions of both aforementioned policies.

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Laurentian Leadership Centre

Senior Harassment Officer

The Senior Harassment Officer is the lead point of contact for all questions relating to Bullying, Harassment, Sexualized and Gender-Based Violence, and Discrimination complaints and procedures. It is our commitment to provide a supportive and safe environment for people to report incidents of concern and to have those concerns addressed in a fair and timely manner. 

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Jo Jansen

Associate Vice President, Campus Operations