
TWU professor comments on discovery of gravitational waves

The recent discovery of gravitational waves is causing rip tides through the scientific community. Questions about how it will change the way we understand the universe are piling up.

Arnold Sikkema, Ph.D., is a professor of physics and the chair of mathematical sciences at Trinity Western University. One of Sikkema’s areas of expertise is the nature of science and its relationship with Christian faith.

While some Christians dismiss the 1.3 billion years of history that these gravitational waves represent, Sikkema believes the biblical doctrine of creation and the scientific theory of general relativity aren’t in conflict. “All science is about collaboration and humble inquiry—we’re curious about the world. This recent discovery in no way threatens our Christian belief system; it enriches it. We believe that God has made a vast and amazing world, and now we have one more window through which to study it.”

Sikkema also serves as president of the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation, and as a fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation.