Student Code of Conduct
Trinity Western University (TWU) is a global Christian university that focuses on developing individuals who are highly competent and possess exemplary character. The University aims to foster a community where students, faculty, and staff come together to pursue truth and excellence with grace and diligence. They are expected to treat people and ideas with charity and respect, think critically about complex issues, and actively respond to the world's significant needs and opportunities based on God's revelation in Christ.
When accepting an invitation to study at TWU, it is important to understand and embrace the expectation of respectful and purposeful unity for the advancement of all. Students should consider what it means to live and learn with others who share a commitment to honor and respect TWU's unique Christian mission, values, and vision, which distinguishes it from public universities. By accepting the invitation, students agree to abide by the Student Code of Conduct (SCC).
Our Vision
The University vision statement is “Every graduate is equipped to think truthfully, act justly, and live faithfully for the good of the world and the glory of God.” We believe that the SCC accountability process is an opportunity for TWU to engage with students in the development of this vision. Student Conduct Officers (SCOs) help students understand the University’s vision and how to incorporate it into life in a community with standards and codes based on biblical principles with a focus on reconciliation, forgiveness, and accountability.
The SCC promotes a respectful community based on Christian values, believing that this will optimize the learning environment and maximize the University’s capacity to fulfil its mission and achieve its aspirations. All members must contribute positively to an environment of respect, diversity, and dignity. While recognizing that not all students will personally affirm or seek to believe the theological views that are central to the University’s Christian identity, our clear expectation is that all who wish to study at TWU will respect evangelical Christian beliefs and practices including the recognition of the truth and authority of the Bible as God’s authoritative revelation.
Scope Jurisdiction
This SCC applies to all students enrolled in a TWU course including, to the extent reasonably applicable, online courses.
The SCC applies while on TWU’s campus and extension sites. It also applies elsewhere during or in the context of:
- University-sponsored programs or activities (such as University travel studies, University athletic events and competitions, University field trips, and TWU student leader organized events).
- A student representing the University or any TWU student club or organization off campus (such as service-learning trips, athletics’ team travel).
- A student representing the University or any TWU student club or organization as an online group (such as a discipleship group via zoom, etc).
- A relationship between the student and a third party that involves the student’s status as a TWU student (such as practicum opportunities, work-integrated learning, internships, etc).
- The student acting as a representative of the University for any reason.
Student Code of Conduct Objectives
The goal of the student conduct process is to contribute to both the student’s personal, development and spiritual growth. The objectives of the process are:
- To prayerfully and objectively assess what has occurred and indicate to the student what violation(s) has/have been committed;
- To demonstrate care and acceptance for the individual even if behaviour may be unacceptable;
- To educate the student, explaining the reasons for the SCC and/or policies and guidelines of the University; and
- To protect other students and the University community from conduct that is detrimental to the community, values, or learning environment of the University.
- For the student to decide that their future behaviour will be in keeping with the SCC and policies and guidelines of the University;
- For the student to accept accountability for his or her behaviour;
- For the student to work towards the restoration of self to the community through sanctions; and
- To balance the needs of an individual along with the needs of the greater community.
Students struggling with difficult issues in their personal lives are encouraged to seek out a Student Life staff member for help at any time. Except in situations where the University is required by law to take appropriate disciplinary action (e.g. harassment, sexual assault, etc.), students who come to a Student Life professional staff member for help related to lifestyle behaviours (e.g. alcohol, drug use, tobacco dependency, sexuality, etc.) prior to staff becoming aware of a violation of University policy will be offered support and help outside of the regular student conduct process. TWU has often found that students who violate the policies and guidelines in the SCC are experiencing larger issues in their life, which can lead to further disengagement from the University or community. It is hoped, therefore, that the accountability process may ultimately challenge the pursuit of change, godliness, and character development within individuals and restore them to the community in the way that the student requires.
Engaging in the Student Code of Conduct
In Christian love, and respect, students are encouraged to take responsibility and seek resolution when tension, misunderstanding, conflict, failure, or disagreements have fractured a relationship. It is expected that as adult learners, members of our community will seek a mutual solution to problems that arise within the context of daily living together. Persisting through personal shortfalls is essential and foundational to successful community living. At a grassroots level, it is both expected and encouraged that students, staff, and faculty will sensitively hold one another accountable to the values and ideals of the University out of sincere concern for one another. Disregard for community responsibility and accountability is considered inappropriate behaviour as it may jeopardize the effectiveness of the learning environment and mission of the University. Students are expected to reflect upon their own goals and values to ensure that they are not in conflict with, or do not undermine, the evangelical Christian environment they have chosen to participate in by attending TWU.
The student conduct process may be initiated as the result of a complaint against a student brought to Student Life by another member of the community or may be initiated by an SCO.
Reviewed by an SCO.
SCC Proceeding
Meeting with applicable parties.
Deliberation & Resolution Meeting
Sanctions imposed if applicable.