Serving Opportunities

Whether you love to play music, design graphics, mix sound, or organize events, there are lots of opportunities for you to invest in our life of worship as a TWU community. As a participant within a Prayer, Arts and Worship Ministries team, you will be supported and encouraged by a leadership team who is passionate about worship and invested in your growth as a Christ follower and a servant leader.

This team of volunteers, led by the chapel setup coordinator, helps to set up and tear down all aspects of stage setups for chapel and SNA. This includes laying down mats, putting up curtains, as well as all technical aspects. Training is provided, and you can sign up online to volunteer . 

This team of volunteers, led by the chapel visual media coordinator, serves the community with their creative giftings by running lyrics during chapel and SNA events.

If you’re interested, apply online to participate on the visual media team.

The prayer team comes together before every chapel to pray for each gathering and offers prayer during praise chapel and SNA event to those who want to receive prayer. If you’re interested, apply online to join the prayer team.

Whether you sing or play an instrument, we want to hear from you! Being involved on a chapel or SNA team is a great way to hone your musicianship, grow in your experience of worship in its many forms, receive teaching on worship theology, and experience rich community with your peers.

Applying for a chapel or SNA worship team involves two steps. 

The first step is to complete a written application online

The second step is to complete an in-person audition. For more information, see the FAQ section below. Applicants will be contacted in late February. Auditions take place in March.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may complete your online application through the links in the individual opportunities above. Once your application is complete, you'll receive an email from us inviting you to do a video or in-person audition.

You need to select one of the following three songs to perform instrumentally and/or vocally. Feel free to transpose to a different key as needed.

You'll also be asked to walk a small worship team through one additional worship song of your choosing. To do this:

  • Select and rehearse one of your favourite worship songs.
  • Print four chord charts of the song and bring them to your audition.
  • We will provide a small ensemble to accompany you through the song you've chosen.
  • Your instrument (a keyboard, bass amp, Helix electric guitar pedal, and drum kit will be available in the practice space).
  • You will also need to bring a chord chart (4 copies) for a worship song of your choosing.
  • Any questions you have for us.

You'll be sent an email regarding the final status of your application/audition at the end of March/early April.

The time commitment varies from week to week (i.e. it's distributed differently) depending on whether you're on a Chapel or Sunday Night Alive team, but students should expect to invest 8 hours/week on average to participate on any TWU worship team. Just remember three, two, one!

  • Three hours of personal practice per week: scheduled by you on your own time for the purpose of honing your craft, practicing your parts, and learning new repertoire.
  • Two hours of team rehearsal per week: scheduled around team members’ schedules for the purpose of creating compelling arrangements and strengthening musical cohesiveness.
  • One hour of team time per week: scheduled around team members’ schedules and designed to help your team grow together.
  • For SNA specifically: SNA takes place six times per semester (approx. bi-weekly) from 7-8 PM. There is one SNA worship team. So, in addition to the above weekly commitments, each SNA event represents a 5-hour commitment (from approx. 4-9 PM).
  • For Chapel specifically: Chapel teams will lead on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the school year from 11-11:30 AM. There are three Chapel worship teams that operate on a one on, two off rotation. So, in addition to the above weekly commitments, each team's chapel week represents an additional 5-8 hour commitment (from 10:30-11:45 AM Monday to Friday on the weeks your team is leading worship in song).
  • For Breathe Chapel specifically: Breathe Chapel takes place 2-4x per month, usually during Devotion Chapels on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 11-11:30 AM. There is one Breathe team. So, in addition to the above weekly commitments, each Breathe event involves a commitment from 10:30-11:45 AM, 2-4x each month.

We welcome students of different majors, backgrounds, church denominations, and experience levels to apply. We also believe that God-honouring and effective leadership in all areas flows out of the life each team member lives before God and others. That's why we're looking for worshipers who...

  • Model active faith in Jesus: Are you a committed follower of Jesus Christ who pursues a consistent and growing relationship with Him as your Saviour?
  • Pursue musical excellence: Are you dedicated to producing the best possible musical and artistic material as an aid to community worship? Are you creative, collaborative, and committed to regular practice of your instrument?
  • Own the vision: Are you passionate about and committed to worship that is Trinitarian, Gospel-Centered, Formational, and Communal?
  • Serve sacrificially: Are you eager to generously offer your talents and your time as an expression of love for God and others?
  • Prioritize Chapel & SNA events: Are you committed to frequent and consistent participation in our scheduled worship and training events?