Reporting Options

It is up to you whether to report a sexual assault. Here are a number of options from which to choose to report or disclose an incident and/or access support.

Making a Disclosure

A disclosure consists of the person affected by sexual violence sharing their story with another individual of their choosing. A disclosure does not result in an investigation. If you choose to disclose to a TWU Contact Person they will be able to assist you with accessing academic and non-academic supports and accommodations.

Making a Report

A report involves speaking to a TWU Contact Person who will assist you with submitting a written statement that may lead to an investigation conducted according to the procedures outlined in the Sexualized Violence Procedures document.  Reporting an incident to a TWU Contact Person does not preclude a person from also reporting an incident to local law enforcement. You do not need to make a report to receive support from the university.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

There is no time limit to report a sexual assault to law enforcement, and TWU will always support your right to do so.  How to report a crime.

Third Party Reporting

If you want to report a sexual assault and remain anonymous, you can make the report through a third party.  This involves contacting a community-based victim services program who will then file the report on your behalf.  For information and referrals to local victim services programs, go to VictimLinkBC 24 hrs, 7 days a week in more than 110 languages.