Off Campus Members
(AS OF JUNE 2018)
Andrew Gutteridge, English Professor, University of Fraser Valley - email
Anna Atkinson, Vancouver Island University - email
Anthony Esolen, Professor of Renaissance English Literature, Providence College - email
Ariel Little, Thompson Rivers University - email
Bill Fledderus, Senior Editor, Faith Today, and an Adjunct Lecturer in English at Redeemer University College - email
Brendan Wolfe, Editor, Journal of Inklings Studies':
Brenton Dickieson, Ph.D. candidate, University of Chester, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Prince Edward Island - email
Brett Roscoe, Associate Professor of English, The King’s University -
Bridget Inez Conway Betzold, PhD Cand, School of Humanities and Languages, The University of New South Wales - email
Christina Belcher, Professor of Education, Redeemer University College - email
Dr. Crystal Downing, Co-Director, The Marion E. Wade Center, Wheaton, IL - email
David C. Downing, R. W. Schlosser Professor of English, Elizabethtown College - email
David Lyle Jeffrey, Professor of Literature and the Humanities, Baylor University - email
Denise Vasiliu, Ph.D., University of Iasi, Romania - email
Dominic Manganiello, Professor of English, University of Ottawa - email
Erin Spring, Graduate Student, University of Cambridge
Franklin Pyles, President of Canadian Missionary Alliance, has a Ph.D. in English (C.S. Lewis), and is a writer - email
Sister Gabriella Yi, Instructor, Redeemer Pacific College - email
Dr. Greg Maillet, Crandall University, Moncton, NB - email
Dr. Holly Ordway, Houston Baptist - email
Ian Storey, Emeritus Professor of Ancient History & Classics at Trent University - email
Rev. Dr. J. H. Hans Kouwenberg, DMin, Fuller; DD., Presbyterian College, Montreal - email
Dr. Jason Lepojarvi, Thorneloe at Laurention - email
Dr. John P. Bowen, Wycliffe College - email
Josh Withrow, TWU MAIH alum, teacher at John Knox Christian School - email
Joy Steem, M.A. Queen’s - email
Judith Wolfe, Professor of Philosophical Theology, St Mary's College, University of St Andrews':
Keith Hyde, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and science, University College of the North - email
Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson, George MacDonald Scholar, St. Andrews University - email
Malcolm Guite, Associate Chaplain at St. Edward King and Martyr Church, Professor of English, University of Cambridge - email
Mark Pike, Professor of Education, University of Leeds - email
Matthew Dickerson, Professor of Computer Science and Environmental Studies, Middlebury College - email
Matthew Steem, MAIH, TWU - email
Dr. Mervyn Nicholson, Thompson Rivers University - email
Michael Ward, Oxford University - email
Dr. Murray J. Evans, Professor of English, University of Winnipeg - email
Norman Klassen, Associate Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Waterloo - email
Owen A. Barfield, Grandson & Trustee of Owen Barfield, Inkling author and philosopher - email
Ralph C. Wood, Professor of Theology & Literature, Baylor University - email
Rebekah Ann Lamb, Assistant Professor of English, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, Barry's Bay, ON - email
Richard Bergen, PhD Cand, UBC - email
Richard Lane, Professor of English, Vancouver Island University - email
Ron Dart, Associate Professor, University of the Fraser Valley - email
Mr. Ryan Pemberton, M.T.S., Duke; B.A., Theology, Oxford; author and lecturer; - email
Scott Masson, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English Literature, Tyndale University College, Toronto - email
Sharon Jebb-Smith, Free-lance lecturer, Regent College, Vancouver, Union Theological College, Belfast and the University of Aberdeen - email
Sorina Higgins, William Scholar and English Professor,Lehigh Carbon Community College - email
Trent De Jong, Secondary Teacher, Abbotsford Christian School - email
William Thompson, Professor of English, Athabasca University - email