Where are they now?
Our GENV graduates are employed in a variety of exciting fields and careers. Examples of where our graduates are now are listed below.
- Christopher Konrad (GEOG, completed in 2019), accepted into the Vancouver Island University's Post-graduate Advanced GIS Diploma program, Nanaimo, BC, in September 2019.
- Sarah Leslie (GEOG, completed in 2018), pursuing a Post-Graduated Advanced Diploma in Geographic Information Systems (in 2018) at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Burnaby, BC.
- Evie Morin (GEOG, completed in 2017), Masters in Resource Management Candidate (2017-present), Researching: Assessing effects of coastal acidification in shellfish hatcheries in the northern Salish Sea, at Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
- Tanner Timothy (GEOG, completed in 2017), GIS Technician at Seyem' Qwantlen Business Group, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Completed a Post-Graduated Advanced Diploma in Geographic Information Systems at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC.
- Jason (Xi) Lin (HIST & GEOG, completed in 2017), Mapping & Location Coordinator at Shaw Communications, Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada. Completed a Post-Graduated Advanced Diploma in Geographic Information Systems at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC.
Alumni Stories and Testimonials
Here are some of the testimonials or comments from our students about their experience with GENV programs:
“I am working with the territorial government now. Doing housing planning. It’s been an amazing opportunity to travel the north and build relationships with indigenous communities.”
Janelle, 2019, Yellowknife, NT., Canada
“I have been working at the City of Surrey for eight years. Prior to the City of Surrey, I have held contract positions at the City of Langley and City of Chilliwack. Most of the jobs I have had were in the GIS field right from graduating from TWU in 2007.”
Chris, 2018, GIS Specialist II, City of Surrey
“Thank you for being so instrumental in helping me pursue my calling in life. For this, I am truly grateful.”