News Elementary Long-Running Salmon Program 02

Kids & Camps

Whether they're aspiring scientists, up-and-coming athletes, or just fun seekers, your kids will love the TWU summer camps.
kids dancing on a stage with camp leaders

TWU Summer Camps are educational, experiential, energetic, and fun—lots and lots of fun!

Our summer camps inspire kids to discover and grow their interests and abilities while making plenty of memories and new friends. We offer camps for a wide range of interests for kids of different ages. Most camps run from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. each day and before and after care is available for select camps!

Check out our new and refreshed programs for summer 2024: Young Movie MakersYouth Adventure Outtrip Camp and All Sport - Learn to Train.

Questions, email or call us at 604-513-2121 ext. 2496.