Past Gender Cafes
March 2016 “Human Trafficking and the Anti-Trafficking Movement through a Gender Lens”
Facilitator: Dr. Kirsten Foot, Professor of Communication at the University of Washington and the author of Collaborating against Trafficking: Cross-Sector Challenges and Practices, along with several articles on counter-human trafficking efforts.
February 2016 “Pornography and the Death of Love and Beauty”
Facilitator: Dr. Rob Rhea
November 2015 " Has Feminism Gone Too Far? The Mad Max Phenomenon"
Facilitator: Dr. Kevin Schut, Professor of Media + Communication (SAMC, TWU)
October 2015 "Gender and Policing"
Dr. Bonnie Reilly Schmidt discussed her book Silenced: The Untold Story of the Fight for Equality in the RCMP.
September 2015 "Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women: Stories, Not Statistics"
Facilitator: Patti Victor, TWU Siya:m and Co-Director of TWU's Institute of Indigenous Issues and Perspectives
February 2015 "Love and Violence Don’t Mix: Addressing Unwanted Sexual Encounters in a Covenant Community"
Janelle Kwee, Psy.D., TWU Assistant Professor in Counselling Psychology
February 2015 "Building Bridges: A Conversation on LGBT Christians and the Church"
"Building Bridges" Gender Studies Event News Release
Justin Lee is the author of TORN: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate . He is also the founder and executive director of The Gay Christian Network, a nonprofit organization working to build bridges between the LGBT and Christian communities.
Ron Belgau is the co-founder, along with Wesley Hill, of Spiritual Friendship, a popular group blog dedicated to exploring how the recovery of authentic Christian teaching on friendship can help to provide a faithful and orthodox response to the challenge of homosexuality. He is in the PhD program in philosophy at St. Louis University, where he teaches Ethics, Medical Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, and Philosophy of the Human Person.
November 2014 “Sexual Harassment among Parliamentarians”
Gender Café at the Laurentian Leadership Centre in Ottawa, Ontario
Facilitator: Jonathan Malloy, chair of Political Science at Carleton University
November 2014: "Generous Spaciousness: Responding to Gay Christians in the Church" (based on the 2014 book of the same name)
Author Wendy VanderWal Gritter (MDiv, Tyndale Seminary). She is the Executive Director of New Direction Ministries of Canada in Mississauga, Ontario and an internationally recognized contributor to conversations about faith and sexuality.
October 2014 " Reflections on boyhood in response to the film Boyhood"
Boyhood (2014), directed by Richard Linklater and starring Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette.
Facilitator: Dr. Todd Martin, Sociology Professor
September 2014 "Everything you wanted to know about Gender Studies but were afraid to ask"
TWU Speakers: The GSI Directors: Dr. Bob Doede (Philosophy), Dr. Robynne Healey (History), Dr. Allyson Jule (Education), Dr. Holly Nelson (English)
March 2014 “Why America Needs More Women Farmers: Let's Talk about Ecofeminism”
Lisa McMinn, Writer in Residence, George Fox University -Dr. Lisa McMinn teaches sociology at George Fox University where she is also Writer in Residence. Her publications include Growing Strong Daughters: Encouraging Girls to Become All They’re Meant to Be; The Contented Soul: The Art of Savoring Life;Sexuality and Holy Longing: Embracing Intimacy in a Broken World; Walking Gently on the Earth: Making Faithful Choices about Food, Energy, Shelter and More; and most recently, Dirt and the Good Life: Stories from Fern Creek.
February 2014 "Out of the Box Love Stories: Colouring Outside the Lines"
Speakers: Sharalee Regehr, Glenn Hansen, Angela Konrad & Juliet Henderson-Rahbar
January 2014 "Jesus Feminist"
Facilitator: Sarah Bessey, author of Jesus Feminist
November 2013 "Passionate Women: Mystics and Saints"
Facilitator: Dr. Christine Jones, President of Catholic Pacific College
October 2013 “The Objectification of Women and the Normalization of Sex Work.”
Facilitator: Harmony Dust, the founder of Treasures Ministries and the author of Scars & Stilettos: The Transformation of an Exotic Dancer
September 2013 "Gender, Genre and The Great Gatsby: "Women get these notions in their heads -"
Facilitator: Prof Lynn Szabo, English Department
Photographer: Dan Hsiao