WRTG 101 - Writing and Culture | 2024-2025

A preparatory course in academic writing, focusing on academic conventions, scholarly vocabulary and tone, and the development of cohesive arguments across the disciplines. While the tasks and assignments emphasize writing skills, the course also facilitates the growth of critical thinking skills through the thematic study of North American and Christian culture. This course is designed for students who have come from international contexts.

WRSH 403 - Worship Practicum 2 | 2024-2025

A continuation of the local churchpracticum of MUSI 402, typically in the same church. The field placement covers the entire semester, with scheduled involvement to be determined early in the semester in cooperation with the ministry leadership of the local church. It is expected that hands-on responsibilities in this semester are increased over those of MUSI 402. The student works under the immediate supervision of a staff or qualified lay leader in the local church, and within the general supervision of a TWU instructor.

WRSH 402 - Worship Practicum 1 | 2024-2025

A local church practicum covering the entire semester, with scheduled involvement to be determined early in the semester in cooperation with the ministry leadership of the local church. It is expected that the student is given individual hands-on responsibilities over the semester in areas of strength, as well as opportunities for growth in other areas. The student works under the immediate supervision of a staff or qualified lay leader in the local church and within the general supervision of a TWU instructor.

WRSH 239 - Songs of Faith | 2024-2025

An examination of meanings and purposes of sacred/church -song' in the context of the believing community, from OT psalm to early church hymn, chant to Reformation hymn, revival hymn and gospel song to contemporary worship chorus. The course will be concerned with seeing the varied musical and textual expression of God's people throughout their history, understanding these expressions within the worship culture of their time, and appreciating the breadth of repertoire of the church's songs.

WRSH 320 - Creative Workshop | 2024-2025

An interdisciplinary creative course for the development of new artistic expression for use in the church. The course is designed for student practitioners of music, video, drama, and visual art. Students work with artists in their field, on their own and in groups, towards a workshop presentation of new works. The course facilitates the releasing of new creations for the church, and teaches principles of affirming and releasing the giftedness of others.

WRSH 301 - Worship + Leadership | 2024-2025

An examination of leadership issues in the worship practices of the contemporary evangelical church. Through exploration of a range of approaches to the arts, liturgy, worship evangelism, service design, and curation, the course is concerned with (1) theological and philosophical leadership issues for a biblical worship practice in a postmodern culture, and (2) practical concerns relating to development of a vibrant local church worship ministry.